L2TP: 01 - Click the Apple icon in the upper left of your display, then click System Preferences. 02 - Click Network. 03 - Click the Plus (+) to create a new network connection. 04 - Click Interface, then click VPN from the dropdown menu. 05 - Next, choose the VPN Type. Select L2PT over IPSec. 06 - Give your connection a Service Name (it doesn't have to be anything specific), then click Create. 07- Enter a Server Address like the one below and your Account Name (username): de.vpninfinite.com Choose none for encryption level Click Authentication Settings. 08 - Enter your Password in the password field and enter “123456” in the Shared Secret field then click OK. 09 - Now click on “Advanced settings” and check “Send all traffic over VPN connection” and click “ok” and “Apply” to save your settings then click Connect. 10 - Your VPN will now connect. For future only choose your VPN from the list, then click Connect once more.